630-906-6895 sales@itspackaging.com
Sustainable packaging image

Sustainable Materials

Packaging utilizing environmentally friendly materials. 

Cellulose Thermoforming Technology (CCT) replaces non-green materials, while providing economic and functional advantages.


CTT replaces non-green materials

  • CTT can be made from 100% post manufactured and post consumer paper/corrugate.
  • Product is recyclable, compostable, and biodegradable.
  • Raw material supply and price is more stable than plastic. 
  • Cost per part is favorable compared to injection molding and plastic thermoforming.
    • Product can be designed to be suitable for:
      • holding liquids
      • use in a microwave
      • food grade applications
      • hot/cold environments
    • Part sizes up to 50” x 29”x 6” and 50 gauge thick
    • Ease of combo tooling, enabling for low tooling costs for lower volume items
    • Dimensional consistency similar to plastic thermoforming
    • May be made in colors, smooth surfaces, laminated
    • Receptive to pad printing
    • Not an egg crate
    • Prototype samples available in 2-4 weeks
305 Hankes Avenue
Aurora, IL 60505
Open Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm